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A mildy interesting account of things in the life of someone who used to pretend to be a student.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Let it sleet

Like most of the country there has been lots and lots and lots of snow here over the last few days. Lots of it. So, beacuse the last few weeks have been so hectic, I was granted a day off to go snowboarding. The Scotish slopes haven't looked this good in the last 5 years, and the forcast was for clear skies.....except I couldn't find anyone to go with me. Gutted. I nearly got to go ice climbing instead, but there wasn't enough time to hire the gear.

So instead, I got a comparative lie in this morning, and went to see Sideways this afternoon. Apparently it's won 2 Golden Globes. Not a bad film in any sense, very much like About Schmidt and gets 1 thumbs up from me (not 2).And now I'm just getting bored. You know you've got a great job when you get bored on a day off (or, you know you're just a boring person with no friends and nothing to do).

And for those of you who thought I was as cultural as a neolithic infant, yesterday I went to see the Andy Warhol at the Modern Art gallery. Very intersting and very wierd. Haven't worked out if I liked it yet, but I did enjoy the felling of well being I got in knowing that I can fit in with the people from New Town a little better now.


Anonymous said...

Ah, no friends... Sorry to hear that. I hope you enjoy your day back at work today. It sounds like you're really enjoying it. Go Al, Go Al, Go Al..

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear your about your dull existence in your ‘home land’, maybe you should attempt to rectify this situation by placing your good self on a rack. This would have the added advantage of elongating your form, possible with some persistence - and a great deal of luck - to some thing approaching average height. This would go some way to dispel the inevitable comparisons between Napoleon and Hitler. I have in recent days added content to my blog, you may wish to view it…
