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A mildy interesting account of things in the life of someone who used to pretend to be a student.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I'm the Urban Spaceman , baby; I've got speed

Words cannot describe the pain
So I let pictures do it instead


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're alive still. Well done!

Anonymous said...

I feel that pain. I know that pain. I'm glad for the first time in three years I don't have that pain. Well done mate.

Anonymous said...

wow--i'm impressed and possibly inspired to run a half-marathon now--but that might just stop with inspiration.

got booted last night, sorry to dip out on you so abruptly. love the pics though.

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the HALF-marathon. That's pretty awesome. I think this weekend i'm going to have a my own marathon of eating cheetos and drinking coke...

Alasdair said...

make sure there's some Hamburger Helper in there

Anonymous said...

no hamburger helper, as I have no kitchen.. But definetely some cup-o-noodles with my water-heater.

Anonymous said...

That looks painful. As I imagine my own lungs wheezing at the thought of me putting them through a half marathon... my sympathies and "way to go's!" go out to you! Well done my friend.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, you are missing an L in mildly. Unless in the UK there is a word called mildy that missed my notice.. :)

Anonymous said...

Well done, think I will do the London 10k thing next year; would do the GNR but cann't be bothered to leave the Metrop.