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A mildy interesting account of things in the life of someone who used to pretend to be a student.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Why, Why, Why, Delilah?

Weddings are lots of fun, aren't they? Friday was my old flatmate Tim's wedding to AnnaLauren and was an awesome day. Even lots of rain didn't really dampen anything, seeing as the reception was only a couple of minutes walk from the church and the only thing we couldn't do was step out onto the balcony looking out to the castle. So yeah, God is great, bringing two people from the other sides of the world together, and giving us a great day to celebrate it. The ceilidh was awesome - the band had more energy and originality than most bands i've seen and played Tom Jones' "Delilah" for the Dashing White Sargeant and a Proclaimer's song. Super. As I side note, somehow I managed to get slated in the best man's speech more than Tim himself. Surely thats not right.

And almost as exciting, Friday was also the day Pro Evolution Soccer 5 was released! This game is incredible. It is in serious danger of taking over my world and removing any chance of a girlfriend or meaningful relationship from my life. But I dont care. It's THAT good. And more importantly, on current form, I'm kicking my flatmate's arse at it.

And if you've managed to read this far, go and spend 4 and a half minutes at this link. I PROMISE you won't regret it. Thanks to Brittney for providing me with several minutes of joviality. Nintendo Choir

Also, go and see Wallace and Gromit, and The Corpse Bride at the cinema. My word, they rock.

Photos......Wedding, and view from the window at the reception (I LOVE Edinburgh!)


Anonymous said...

Maybe yu should put Pro Evo down just long enough to get your hair cut; then you might stand a chance of making it through a best man's speach with dignity intact...


Anonymous said...

i've never seen such crap in all my life... sorry choir....

Glad you're having fun though Al.

Anonymous said...

that choir was hillarious! I love it! Good pics too, i wish I could have been at the wedding in person...

Anonymous said...


i'm lacking in all creativity.


i think you should write a blog defending the consumption of haggis.

the end.

Anonymous said...


after a lot of time and consideration, and after your droning on about how cool it is...i think i want a sitemeter too, but i don't know how to install it.

i need your help lindop.

Anonymous said...

oh annalauren looks so happy!! where did they go on their honeymoon? and that nintendo medley is exactly what a dorky american collegiate a cappella group would do. (trust me. i was in one :T)