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A mildy interesting account of things in the life of someone who used to pretend to be a student.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I can show you the world...(it shimmers and shines)

This lunchtime i walked up Blackford Hill, near my flat, to get away from it all and spend some concentrated time praying. The view over the city looked like this.

Man, I live in a beautiful place.

So this weekend saw the Edinburgh CU houseparty in the middle of nowhere somewhere around the England/Scotland border. This must have been the 4th or 5th time I've been to Whitthaugh Park, and every single time it has rained. Lots. As you might have guessed, this time was no different and the bits of green stuff masquarading as grass turned into their now familiar ice-rink alter-egos. With quite hilarious results.

Other less hilarious incidents included me somehow getting to the final of the dancing competition and pulling certain muscles that are particularly useful for dancing in a potentially title winning knee slide across the floor. Unfortunately the resultant muscle twinge and skinned knees rendered me helpless as I lay on the floor whilst my valient opponent pulled out a particularly smooth Moonwalk and promptly coasted to victory. Quite embarrasing in front of 120 people.

I would also like to register my new found love for Tomato Juice. This glorious liquid is highly underatted and has lived in the shadow of its more glamours counterparts, Orange, Cranberry and Apple juices far too long. So all of you, get out the Lea and Perrins and see what you're missing out on!!

Oh and thanks to Sparticus for this link. I've long known about it, but had forgotten the address. So all of you go and visit The JCB Song (A JCB is a big digger, for those Americans who are reading) and share in the joy.

Roll on today's pretty pictures...


Anonymous said...

That picture looks like its snow and mountains...like things you can ski on. As you said today its only 2 months till we will be there on the slopes of Wengen, together, again. I am filled with uncontrolable joy.

Anonymous said...

Well done Al, you have found another food stuff to experiment with (how long till you're mixing it with mayo though is a thought that almost makes me produce some of your famed pasta sauce).

Moreover congrats on your more frequent posts! And sorry to hear that your natural egotism robbed you of a dancing (queen?!) title.


Anonymous said...

the jcb song kind of makes me want to cry.

did i just say that out loud?

Anonymous said...

i want to move to your city...

Anonymous said...

Dude, I saw the article about you in the Agape Magazine. Awesome!

Yeah the gig went well. There could have been more people there and my guitar was acting a bit weird, but that's alright. I think the more playing experience I get the better.

Anonymous said...

guess you should have spent more time practicing your moves in an Italian restaurant while 8 Americans were in town.

And as for the tomato juice...love it. preferred drink of choice on planes.

Anonymous said...

You do live in a beautiful city...I miss it

Anonymous said...

Yes, you do live in a very beautiful city. By the way, my name is Deena and I was there back in May with a group from my University. I love reading other people's blogs who do not live in the US so I've been reading yours. :) I miss Scotland a lot and definitely plan on going back within the next year or two. By the way, you post some great pictures too!