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A mildy interesting account of things in the life of someone who used to pretend to be a student.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

One step beyond

Here is the answer you've all been waiting for. Once again I'm sat in Black Medicine as my dastardly flatmate has run off with his router, so my time is limited, but at least the coffee is good.

So last Friday, I made the decision to leave Agape in the summer and return to marine biology. This will most likely mean initially returning to Newcastle to do a masters in Tropical Coastal Management. Those who know me pretty well will know that this has not been undertaken lightly, and if there's one thing I've learned, don't give yourself 6 months to make a decision - it's far too long!

But I have prayed and thought about this long and hard and really believe that this is where God wants me for the moment. The pros and cons lists had many reasons for doing both, and in the end I had to go with the heart I believe God is giving me.

This doesn't mean that I will cease to be a missionary, by any means. My context has just changed. God, who I believe to be the one unchanging truth in this world, will continue to be the center of my life, and the reason for everything I enter into.

So there you have it. My life is about to change yet again. Sorry to keep you waiting this long. And sorry you've had to find out about this this way if you haven't seen me face to face. Thanks to all of you who have prayed for me and helped me through this process!


Peter Whitfield said...

It'll be a shame to see you leave, and I will miss you on the staff team... But, God is with you and I'm sure he'll continue changing the world through you! Many blessings bro.

Anonymous said...

i am proud of you for all the wrestling and seeking you have done the past few months.. thanks for letting me be a part of the process a bit.. I hope you are enjoying the mountains!

Anonymous said...

You're a ledge! Sorry to see you go! Newcastle isn't far that far away. Maybe you can start the Lindop-Cowan Pod? Linan? Cowdop?


James Milne said...

hey it'll be good to have you back in the toon, mate... look forward to seein you. As we don't have an aussie rules team, you might be lookin for a new sport, so let me know if you're up for a bit of hockey action next year.

Unknown said...

Sigh.... :-) and so it goes another change... God's leading. I shall keep praying for you my friend. May you see God open up many new doors for you to share! I am glad you get to do something you love so much too!

Beth said...

hey, terra just sent me the link to your blog - i'm one of the other canadian staff coming your way next month. i hope things are going well on your end of the game - i know we're getting pretty excited and so are our students!

also, i agree that 6 months is way too long to make a decisions...i can convince myself of anything in that long of a time - especially if my pro/con list is pretty evenly weighted.