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A mildy interesting account of things in the life of someone who used to pretend to be a student.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

It's raining again.

Not really much time to post anythign meaningful, but I wanted to write something before I go away to nottingham for 12 fun-filled days of conferences. Ah, back to work, i suppose.

I love the festival again. Its MUCH more funbeing a apart of it, and after the initial frenzy, all the people involved seem to have got down into a routine of working hard promoting stuff, and not being insanely stupid the whole time. The Dirty Rascals show I'm in has been amazing so far - loads of people turing up, and we're starting to sound really good. I can breath a sigh of releif as the disaster I was expecting having not played my sax for a year hasn't happened and it's been suprisingly easy to fall back into.

The other perk of playing is that I get to see any show in the same group of venues as ours for free, so I've been to see some amazing bass player called Steve Lawson and a couple of really good plays and musicals.

Another great thing about the fring is not feeling guilty about staying up late. Its been several days since I was in bed before 3, and on Monday I was at a party until 5, when the police turned up and complained about the noise. Oh, I feel like such a rebel.

Anyway, tonight is my last night and cos of this conrference I unfortunately miss out on the huge last night on Friday. But I've fallen in love with the whole experience - I've even had awesome conversations about God with people every single night - and can't wait for next year to come around again!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

£95 for a blue hoodie?

Well, this made me chuckle. And I had fun on wikipedia looking up who the theologians were.

Nothing else interesting is happening. I have been writing newsletters and buying office stationary.

You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavly by John Wesley and the Methodists.

Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan




Reformed Evangelical


Neo orthodox




Roman Catholic


Modern Liberal


Classical Liberal




What's your theological worldview?
created with QuizFarm.com

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Have you seen them cakes?

I'm already bored by the festival. It's only been on for 4 or 5 days, but I'm fed up of it. Don't get me wrong, I've had fun - I went to a show on Sunday (Sawdust Circle if you're interested - its great), and I've spent time watching the street performers set light to their pubic hairs or whatever they do to get more attention than the bloke before - but I've had my fun, and now I want things to get back to normal. I want to be able to walk into town and not have three squillion flyers shoved down my throat by posh students trying to get me see their incest/nudity/violence/sex/gay kissing filled play, that is of course full of laughs and makes stong 'polotical statement'. Does everything really have to be controversial to make it worth seeing?

Of course, my viewpoint will change next week when I start playing in a show, and I will maybe even join the ranks of flyer pushers, just to see what it's like from the other side.

In other news, I've finally managed to get someone to rent the flat. Through a series of random God-ordained coincidences, I bumped into a student friend whilst playing golf on the Links. He just so happened to be with his 2 mates looking at flats, and it just so happened that I had 3 bedroom flat available to rent. Job done. Takes a big load of stress away - there's 5 extra folk staying in the flat during our show, and their stay would have coincided with prospective renters looking around, which wouldn't have been easy.

Oh and Christy said something about meeting famous people - well I was in the Speigeltent on Sunday night having a beer and saw Simon Taylor (the Lions rugby player, if you're American)

Friday, August 05, 2005

Whoring yourself to the Edinburgh tourists

Soooo.........Once again I have rejected xanga, and dumped her by the proverbial text message. Since blogspot managed to creat their own photo-uploader, this site has started to have the attractiveness of Scarlett Johannson, whilst xanga is coming across much more Jade Goody-like (If any Americans don't know who she is, there's a picture just below). I was only using xanga cos people used to look at the site, and who's gonna look if you've got Jade Goody on your arm (except maybe to laugh)?

So here's to the new relationship. With my wit and charm, and Blogspot's sexiness, how can it go wrong? I'll have an army of avid readers in no time. Or not. Most likely I'll just get too lazy to write and my readers will be seduced away by a new, fresher Lindsay-Lohan type blog.

Anyway, enough of the famous actress allusions (and yes, I know Jade Goody isn't a famous actress, but did you see her fitness video?), they're crap. Suffice to say, I'll be writing sproadically here from now on, and it would be nice if you commented every now and then just so I can feel liked.

Edinburgh is starting to go cray-zee right now. Its teetering on the edge of full blown festival madness. Here and there are pockets of public-school educated university theatre societies, crouching on street corners and trying to seduce you into seeing their pointless ego-trip which a barrage of euphanisms and women (or occaisionally men) running up and down the Royal Mile wearing not very much at all. No doubt there will be some very very good things showing this year, its just that there really is so much tosh on, its hard to identify the good stuff. However, it must be noted that this year, I'm playing in a band for a few nights, and of course, that will be amazing (Search for the Dirty Rascals if you're interested - only £8.50 a ticket!!)

If you've managed to read this far, I applaud you, and reward you with a little gift. I stole this link of another blog (isn't that what the whole ideas about anyway), and don't know whether to laugh or cry. Its a serious issue I guess, but its done soooo badly. Anyway, judge for yourself. "People I Don't Know Are Trying To Kill Me"

Monday, August 01, 2005

I know a man Bojangles

YES!! Blogspot is soooooooooooo much easier to post pictures with. Enjoy my tigers, and sunsets and canals and stuff (well, they're not really mine, but the pictures i took of them are). And apologies for gettin a little carried away with the number i posted.