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A mildy interesting account of things in the life of someone who used to pretend to be a student.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Haha. I got paid $20 to ask a girl to dance. She said no. Seems the British accent can't manage everything in America!

In other news, I just spent 4 days on a boat diving around California's Channel Islands. Sea Lions, Leapard sharks, octopus, and much much more. Lots of fun. A day later I still feel like the ground under me is rocking. And listening to England go out on penalties on a satalite radio at 9 in the morning in blazing sunshine on the ocean blue was a strange feeling.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I wanna say "awww" or hahahahahahaah... my first impulse was to laugh so let's go with that. Gonna have to work on those charms a bit more if the accent is failin' ya ;) I hope you are having a blast in me country.

Anonymous said...

hey Al. frankly, not surprised your affections can be bought for roughly a tenner, but still impressed by your shameless cheek... sorry she said no, man - that's harsh. did you have one of those ill advised goatees at the time? seems like the US channel islands are probably more fun to go diving off than the UK ones would be... Watched the portugal game in a hotel in scranton, pa, with a whole bunch of English footy coaches, which was a surreal and ultimately gutting experience (it was my cousin's wedding and he coaches a US college soccer team - hows that for a cool job?) What do you care anyway - you're supposed to be scottish. If i leave a few more comments, do i get to be your official sixth reader?