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A mildy interesting account of things in the life of someone who used to pretend to be a student.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I still haven't found what I'm looking for

5 Peak Challenge completed: 45 hours 44 minutes

So my feet survived. I was blessed with a blister free hike! Can't say the same for the others unfortunately...and the chaffage, that's a whole new story...

Anyway, there'll be a journal up sometime soon, but for those who haven't seen it on Facebook, here's a link to a selection of pictures. There will hopefully be a video being made sometime soon too.

Question of the day:
Is it possible for a vegetarian in the UK to eat a sufficiently nutritious and varied diet of locally produced food or do they have to rely on imports, or food from heated greenhouses grown out of season? If the latter is the case, is it 'more' ethical (making the assumption that animal rights has ethical value) to be a vegetarian or be an omnivore, eating locally produced meat and vegetables?


Beth said...

way more ethical to eat local. second best is to eat fairtrade. then organic.

those are my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Good words.